Our Environment
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of non-fossil fuels are the cornerstones of the Tomatin Distillery and Scotch Whisky Industry’s efforts to make manufacturing more sustainable and support a low carbon economy.
The distilling industry, in common with other industries, impacts on the environment in many different ways, such as consumption of energy, water and other natural resources, and it is a source, both directly and indirectly, of atmospheric emissions and trade effluent.
Green Distilling
In 2013 we became the first distillery in Scotland to install an environmentally efficient wood pellet fuelled steam boiler for use in our production process, with assisted funding from the Green Investment Bank and RHI. Fuelled by locally produced wood pellets manufactured In Invergordon by a company called Balcas, using renewable electrical and thermal energy and raw materials from local forests.
The wood pellets used to fire the boiler are made from virgin wood, where two trees are planted for each one harvested, and the woodchip created from the production of the pellets generates electricity, making the production site (only 35 miles from the distillery) self-sufficient and the end product carbon neutral.

from grain to glass
Our summers are getting warmer and our winters drier so we have to prepare for water scarcity. In 2019 we installed a new weir to prevent over abstraction and to ensure that the downstream water environment is healthy, and in 2021 we introduced more control valves on our cooling system which has cut our water consumption by more than half!
The primary source of steam for our distillation production process is a sustainable, low emission biomass boiler. The back up system is low carbon LPG, removing any reliance on heavy fuel oil. We were the first distiller in Scotland to install a wood pellet biomass boiler! What’s more, the pellets are sourced locally too.
Instead of using the draff (resultant from the mashing process) in animal feed, we now send it to a biogas plant in order to generate a green sustainable fuel which is then fed into the mains gas network.
We protect the local environment from the effluent streams created as a result of our production process by spreading it to local land as a soil improver. However we have also installed a more sustainable reed bed water treatment system which will reduce our environmental impact and create a more diverse habitat for wildlife in the local area.
Over 60% of our vehicle fleet is now fully electric or hybrid and we have a public rapid EV charger on site.
All elements of our packaging can be recycled, with the exception of the gold capsule on our 36 Year Old – we are working hard to change this!
The remaining 20% is LPG which is utilised to make up the balance during periods of high demand.
Our Visitor Centre has replaced plastic bags with paper bags, they use recyclable coffee pods, bio-degradable take-away cups and bio-degradable dram glasses.
In a wider context we are committed to supporting the initiatives set out by the Scottish Government and the various European and world institutions in relation to the responsible consumption and promotion of alcoholic beverages.
The Tomatin Distillery is part of the European spirits industry
We have a long-standing commitment to responsibility, both through its own actions in marketing its products responsibly, and by its programs to combat alcohol misuse and to promote responsible consumption by those adults who chose to drink.
As such we refer to The Charter on Responsible Alcohol Consumption which lists the following as it key objectives:

Codes of Conduct
Codes of conduct on marketing of spirit drinks – All CEPS members fully adhere to the principles enshrined in The Amsterdam Group’s Common Standards on Commercial Communications.
Responsible Drinking Messages
CEPS members have agreed, where permitted by national law, that by 2010, 75% of advertising (print including billboards, TV/cinema and website) will carry responsible drinking messages.
Product Development
In developing new products CEPS members undertake to do so in a responsible manner and apply the same rules and high standards as those applicable to the marketing of existing spirit drinks.
Underage Drinking
CEPS members will work closely with national authorities in ensuring minimum purchase age legislation is enforced.
Drinking & Driving
CEPS members will continue to work with national authorities in ensuring the dangers of drinking and driving are widely communicated.
CEPS and its members will work with other stakeholders to agree definitions of sensible drinking levels and communicate them widely.

As a responsible manufacturer the Tomatin distillery has a commitment to ensure that its brands are promoted and enjoyed in a socially acceptable manner. We wish to encourage those adults who chose to drink to do so in a responsible manner and to avoid the misuse of alcohol. We would like consumers to enjoy our whisky in moderation and feel that scotch whisky can be a part of a healthy balanced lifestyle if it is consumed in the appropriate manner.
Although we accept that we have a responsibility to encourage consumers to drink in moderation we also firmly believe that every individual has an obligation to consume alcohol in a sensible fashion.
When possible we aim to work in partnership with overseas importers / distributors / wholesalers to ensure that they share our beliefs in the responsible consumption and marketing of alcoholic beverages.
As well as encouraging the responsible consumption of alcohol we are also committed to the following objectives as set out on the Scotch Whisky Associations code of Practice.
- Discourage underage drinking
- Clearly state alcohol content on all packaging
- Encourage consumers not to drink and drive
- Implement responsible marketing, Sponsorship and promotional campaigns
Download the Responsible Marketing and Promotion document for a full break down of what is included in the code of practice